Call Point Protectors
The Safety Centre are pleased to introduce our range of call point protectors. These units are ideal for helping to prevent malicious or accidental false alarm activations on fire alarm call points. For more information on these STI and Sigma Manual Call Point Protectors call us NOW on 01200 428 410 or use the Livechat facility below.
STI-6930-NL Call Point Stopper Flush Mounted - Red - Dutch Text VersionAED 68.71 AED 82.45
STI Call Point Protectors
The STI Stopper range is a industry standard product widely used in many buildings across the world to protect and discourage use of fire alarm system manual call points.
The STI Stopper is manufactured from clear polycarbonate plastic. This plastic cover is a clear, tamper proof unit which still allows easy identification of manual call points and break glasses.
The STI Stopper units are available in flush or surface mounting versions. The surface mounted versions of the STI Stopper units come with different sizes of spacers depending on how far out the unit needs to be from the wall.
The STI Stopper units are also available with or without an integral sounder. The STI Stoppers with integral sounders emit a high pitched alarm when the polycarbonate cover is lifted to access the manual call point beneath. The alarm emitted by the STI Stopper is designed to deter malicious use of the manual call point beneath.
MCP Misuse & False Fire Alarms
False fire alarms are a very common problem throughout the country, the UK’s fire & rescue services are sent out to thousands of false alarms each year. Whether this is due to the malicious or accidental activation of a fire alarm, this is a major issue for our fire services as they waste their time travelling to the site of the false alarm when they could be spending their time on an actual fire.
Our call point protection range makes sure to try and prevent accidental activation, an open MCP leaves the risk of people bumping into it with shopping carts, sports equipment, bags and more. The cover has to be lifted or broken for access to the call point.
This call point protection range was also designed to prevent malicious activation of the fire alarm. If you work within a school, it’s likely that some students are looking for ways to ‘prank’ people or get out of their lesson for a while, these call point stoppers are perfect for schools. When you lift the cover of some of these stoppers, they emit an alarm which draws attention straight to the user. This will likely scare the student away as they won’t want to be caught, acting as a deterrent and also another alarm in an emergency.
STI Call Point Protector Key Features:
- Manufactured from strong / robust polycarbonate plastic
- Available with or without an integral sounder
- Available in flush or surface mounting varieties
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