No Climb Solo Series Fire Alarm Testing Kits
The Safety Centre are pleased to introduce the No Climb range of fire alarm testing kits. These kits are professional trade quality fire alarm test kits ideal for testing smoke and heat detectors on fire alarm systems. The fire alarm test kit range starts with a cost effective Solo 810-001starter pack and goes upto to the larger packs which can test both smoke and heat detectors. For more information on fire alarm test kits call our experts NOW on 01200 428 410 or use our Livechat facility below.
Solo 365 Urban Smoke Detector Test Kit - 5 Metres - URBAN365-001AED 5,706.43 AED 6,847.72
SOLO 461-001 No Climb Solo Series Cordless Heat Detector Test KitAED 2,831.87 AED 3,398.24
Solo 461-1-001 Cordless Heat Detector Test Kit - 1 Battery BatonAED 2,381.74 AED 2,858.09
SOLO 808-001 Smoke Detector Test Starter Pack (Enables testing upto 4 Metres)AED 1,634.27 AED 1,961.12
SOLO 809-001 Smoke Detector Test Starter Pack (Enables testing upto 6 Metres)AED 2,344.48 AED 2,813.38
SOLO 810-001 Smoke Detector Test Starter Pack (Enables testing upto 2.5 Metres)AED 1,228.27 AED 1,473.92
SOLO 811-001 Smoke Detector Testing and Removal Pack (Enables Testing and Removal Upto 6 Metres)AED 3,709.48 AED 4,451.38
Fire Alarm Testing Kit Range
The No Climb Solo fire alarm testing kit range starts with the Solo 810-001 Starter pack which is suitable for testing smoke detectors upto 2.5 metres in height. The next kit up is the Solo 808-001 which will enable testing of smoke detectors upto 4 metres in height. The Solo 809-001 kit again is suitable for testing smoke detectors and will allow testing upto 6 metres in height. The Solo 811-001 and Solo 812-001 also include a head removal tool which will allow the user to remove a detector head. These kits are suitable for testing and head removal upto heights of 6 metres and 8.2 metres respectively.
Fire Alarm test Kits for Smoke & Heat Detectors
The range of test kits from No Climb Solo include devices for various methods of testing fire alarm smoke and heat detectors. They also have a selection of poles available which are used to access detectors at a variety of heights. These test kits include the Solo 814-001 which includes a mains powered heat detector tester. The Solo 822-001 test kit includes a battery powered cordless height detector tester and is good for testing upto 6 metres in height. The largest kit in the range is the Solo 823-001 kit which includes cordless heat detector tester and is able to test upto 9.3 metres in height.
Fire Alarm Testing Kits for the professional
The No Climb Solo Fire Alarm Test Kits are the professionals choice for fire alarm testing equipment throughout the UK and the rest of the world. These kits have been specifically designed for testing fire alarm system devices and are made from high quality hard wearing materials.
No Climb Solo Fire Alarm Testing Kits
If you're interested in our No Climb Fire Alarm Test Kit range you may also be interested in our fire alarm system and Wireless Fire Alarm ranges.