Kentec Extinguishant Control Panels
The Safety Centre are pleased to present the range of Kentec Extinguishant Control Panels. Ideal for providing the alarm stimulus required to activate the release of extinguishant. For more information on these products contact us NOW on 01200 428 410 or use the Livechat facility below.
Kentec Extinguishant System Activated Illuminated Warning Sign - K27202AED 659.43 AED 791.32
Kentec K1810 Sigma A-XT Extinguishant Control Panel PCB - UL ApprovedAED 1,290.43 AED 1,548.52
Kentec K1810-13 Sigma A-XT Extinguishant Control Panel - Red - 230V - UL ApprovedAED 2,307.94 AED 2,769.53
Kentec K1810-43 Sigma A-XT Extinguishant Control Panel - Grey - 230V - UL ApprovedAED 2,307.94 AED 2,769.53