Geofire Agrippa Door Magnets
The Safety Centre are pleased to introduce the range of Geofire Agrippa Door Magnets and Closers to our product portfolio. These are battery powered units which do not require cabling. Ideal retro fit products for use in schools, care homes and other similar buildings. For more information on the Geofire Agrippa Door Magnets range call us NOW on 01200 428 410 or use the Livechat facility below.
Geofire Agrippa Acoustic Overhead Door Closer - Wireless Battery Powered 3-80-0070AED 1,510.51 AED 1,812.61
Geofire Agrippa DRC-ACC-B Wireless Acoustic Door Closer - Battery Powered (302-129)AED 1,510.51 AED 1,812.61
Geofire Agrippa DRC-ACC-PB Wireless Acoustic Door Closer - Battery Powered (302-130)AED 1,780.28 AED 2,136.34
Geofire Agrippa DRC-ACC-PC Wireless Acoustic Door Closer - Battery Powered (302-132)AED 1,780.28 AED 2,136.34
Geofire Agrippa DRC-ACC-SS Wireless Acoustic Door Closer - Battery Powered (302-131)AED 1,780.28 AED 2,136.34
Geofire Agrippa DRC-ACC-W Wireless Acoustic Door Closer - Battery Powered (302-116)AED 1,510.51 AED 1,812.61
Geofire Agrippa DRW-ACC-PB Wireless Acoustic Door Retainer Magnet - Battery Powered - Wall Mounted (302-128)AED 919.60 AED 1,103.52Out of stock
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